If you are an active individual, you most likely have experienced soreness after a workout or have chronic pain from various sports and activities. Many people manage pain and soreness with over- the- counter medications like Tylenol, Aleve and Motrin. Others manage pain by using prescription pain relievers like, corticosteroids and highly addictive drugs called opioids. What you may not know is that prolonged use of all drugs - including over-the-counter drugs - come with some side effects. Sometimes these side effects rid your body of necessary nutrients you may need to stay healthy. Our goal is to identify healthy and safe ways to combat pain and inflammation so we can lead a healthy life.
We offer a therapeutic massage as one of our services, and we encourage you to read below to find out more. Book now!

Our T-Shock Therapeutic Massage is a revolutionary massage therapy using hot and/or cold massages to relieve pain and soreness. Because the technology has the ability to provide both cold and heat massage treatments, it is very effective to reduce pain and inflammation as well as increase or reduce circulation. And the even better news is that we are able to adjust the size of the wand to deliver the therapy to both small or large body parts such as the face, neck, elbows, eye area, back, arms, thighs, joints etc.
Rid yourself of the feeling and start the healing with a special massage using our cryo and thermal wand.
What Is It Used to Treat?
We have the ability to treat large and small muscles and joints including the abdominal muscles.Credible evidence suggests that therapeutic abdominal massage therapy may provide relief from issues such as indigestion, bloating, gas, excess fat and constipation. Appropriate massage therapy can increase circulation, make the stomach muscles relax and reduce stress that may exacerbate these issues.
Have a sports injury? T-Shock therapeutic massage can also be used to relieve pain due to injury. It helps to relax sore muscles, activate healing and cell repair, reduce inflammation and boost circulation.
Who Should Get This Massage?
Since therapeutic massages help alleviate multiple symptoms, we recommend this massage to anyone who wants to improve their wellness! Massages are a beneficial service to implement into your life regularly to help you feel your best.

What Are the Benefits?
Although there are many benefits of a therapeutic massage, the main ways this massage benefits individuals is by helping to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, pain and soreness and increase relaxation.
Why Choose Us?
Our team is experienced and knowledgeable in the industry, and we are thrilled to have many satisfied customers over the years who have benefited from the services we offer. If you are interested to learn about what others have to say about us, read our reviews today!
Our team is eager to offer hot and cold therapy techniques for maximum benefit. Subscribe for updates today!