Who Should Consider T-Shock Treatment?

If you have any of the following issues with FACE / NECK / DECOLLETE,  you should consider T-Shock Treatment.

• Aging and are more desirous of a natural look without the use (or reduced use) of Botox and Fillers

• Looking for a Red Carpet look for an event

•  Loose skin or wrinkles on the neck

• A double chin

• An aging neck or decollete


If you have any of the following issues and desire TONING, you should consider T-Shock Treatment.

• Dry, crepey, aging skin

• Loose, aging skin that has lost elasticity

•Undergone gastric bypass surgery; experienced rapid weight loss; experienced loose skin following pregnancy


If you have any of the following issues and desire FAT AND CELLULITE REDUCTION, you should consider T-Shock Treatment.

• A BMI under 35 who has excessive fat deposits in problem areas

• In shape with stubborn fat that they can’t get rid of with diet and exercise

• Desirous of controlling cellulite